- Photographies for the book published by the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos (Association of Technical Architects/ COAIB) for the 6th Edition of the architectural awards . (10 works).2012
- Report on architect Marià Castelló for "Casa 8x8" in Formentera, in collaboration with EPDSE Studio for Revista Diseño Interior (Interior Design Magazine- Interior Architecture and Design, #241),2012.
- Report for Architects Marc Tur & Oriol Batchellí together with the Corona Civic Centre - Ibiza - for the "Contexts" Section at the 2012 Biennale di Venezia.
- Photos for an advertising campaign for a home for Christie´s International Real State/Meridiana in different formats: magazines, opi, etc...2012
- Illustrated report for Ibiza Style, issue #2, "Space and Nostalgia" on Lourdes Grivé´s new portfolio, 2012
- Illustrated report for Ibiza Style, issue #2, "Un momento de felicidad" (“A moment of happiness”) by Mónica Mira, 2012
- Collaboration - book published by the Balearic Islands Parliament "El Parlament de les Illes Balears". Palma de Mallorca 2011
- Illustrated report for Amnesia Magazine on "Jaime Serra Rocking architecture", July issue, 2011
- Collaboration in the report "Enclaves, Watchowers and Aims. The Houses of Foreign Architects Settled in Spain During the Third Quarter of the 20th Century " by Juan M. Otxotorena / Héctor García-Diego in RA ARchitect Magazine, #13, University of Navarra.2011
- Collaboration in the report on the architect Jaime Serra - Atlant del Vent - in the Sunday Times. October, 2011.
- Illustrated report on the Broner House in Ibiza for the D´A digital magazine for the COAIB (Col.legi Oficial d´Arquitects de les Illes Balears - Association of Technical Architects), 2011.
- Illustrated report for Espacio & Confort Magazine, architect and decoration magazine. La Plata. Buenos Aires – Argentina. Illustrated report for Mipmarí Arquitectura i Disseny, "Un paso al frente", September, # 89 2011.
- Collaboration_ Pacha Magazine- Photographs for the MACE, Museo de arte Contempráneo de Ibiza (Ibiza Museum of Contemporary Art). October, 2011 .
- Illustrated report for the Diario de Mallorca Supplement “La Almudaina”, on "sin alardes ni excesos” , a single- family house by Atlant del Vent Architect Studio.2011
- Illustrated report for the Diario de Mallorca Supplement “La Almudaina”, on “Pop-Zen Ibiza”, a single-family house by Atlant del Vent Architect Studio.2011
- Illustrated report - Ibiza Style issue #2- "Open to the exterior "- on Atlant del vent architecture. 2011
- 2011 Calendar of renovated façades of la Marina and Dalt Vila homes - edited by the Consorci Eivissa Patrimoni de la Humanitat (Ibiza World Heritage Consortium)
- Collaboration with EPDSE Studio for the illustrated report "Casas en la costa", Links Books publications with Casa 8x8 by Marià Castelló, architect. 2010
- Collaboration for the cover and DVD distributed by the Consell Insular de Ibiza including photographs of the Casa Broner in the documentary " Erwin Betchold- retrato de un artista" directed by director Enrique Villalonga and producer Julio Arche-Factoria Difacil, and presented at "La Semici" Film Festival and the Diario de Ibiza Club, among others. 2010
- Collaboration - Ibzartguide, issue #1.Editorial: Art&imagen with photograph of Can Jeroni. 2010
- Collaboration - Pacha Magazine – photograph of Casa Broner. 2010
- Cultura/s La Vanguardia issue #413. Illustrated report on Casa Broner. 2010.
- Collaboration with EPDSE Studio for the illustrated report "Low Cost" – Monsa publications - by Marià Castelló, architect. 2010
- Collaboration with EPDSE Sturdio for kbwama- Bulgaria "More about the house", issue #499 - Casa 8x8 - Marià Castelló, architect – Formentera, 2010
- Illustrated report - Ibiza Style, issue #3."Bauhaus á la Ibiza" about Casa Broner 2010.
- Illustrated report - Ibiza Style, issue #3."Tradición de Gasa" on Ibicencan fashion. 2010
- Collaboration in the illustrated report for Ibiza Style issue #4- "There´s someone living here"- on the Tur Costa house by Erwin Broner, architect. 2010
- Illustrated report - Ibiza Style issue #5- "The sea in his hands"- on Nito Misses "Mestre d´Aixa". 2010
- Collaboration with EPDSE Studio for Espacio&Confort, architecture and decoration magazine from La Plata, Buenos Aires- Argentina, in the illustrated report on Casa 8x8 in Formentera by Marià Castelló, architect. 2010
- Collaboration with EPDSE Studio for the illustrated report ECO refurbishment – Monsa publications - on Can Jaume Pere Formentera by architect Marià Castelló. 2010
- Collaboration with EPDSE Studio for the illustrated report "El Valor de la Sencillez" for La Vanguardia Magazine with Casa 8x8, Formentera by Marià Castelló, architect. 2010
- Collaboration in the magazine "Pacha-ibiza lifestyle" - photography for ADV architecture 2010
- Collaboration - Catalogue for the exhibition "Memorandum" at the MACE (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Eivissa - Ibiza Museum of Contemporary Art), 2009
- Collaboration - Elle Belgium, article about Jean Marie Sourcin in Ibiza, May 2009
- News - On Diseño Magazine, issue #298 on the Photoarchitecture Awards, 2008.
- Collaboration - Sa Olivera del Molino Catalogues/Vue 360º- O&W-2008
- Collaboration - Ibiza Real Estate Catalogue 2/ 2008 pgs. 42-3 ADV Architecture
- Collaboration – Catalogue for the issue of the Photoarchitecture Awards 2008.
- Collaboration - Lifestyle #2, interview with Lourdes Grivé - ADV Architecture 2008
- "La Vanguardia" Magazine - Jaime Serra - ADV Architecture 2008
- Collaboration - Loft publications - Kolon Publishing House - Weekend Homes – Architect Juan de los Rios, 2008
- Advert in Ibiza Style Magazine - ADV Architecture 2008
- Photographies for the book published by the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos (Association of Technical Architects/ COAIB)for the 5th Edition of the architectural awards . (20 works).2008
- Report on Lourdes Grivé´s portfolio in La fotografía actual-digital 2007
- Collaboration – article on the Ros-Fita Building by architects Elías Torres and J. Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Manuel Padura Publishing Company, 2007
- Collaboration - Vivienda Housing, Spain, Architect Marià Castelló – issue #3 Manuel Padura Publishing Company, 2007
- Article for the COAM Magazine (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid - Association of Technical Architects of Madrid) on the Ros-Fita Building by Architects Elías Torres and J. Antonio Martínez Lapeña, 2007
- Collaboration – Catalogue for the LUX Awards 2007, AFP (Asociación de Fotógrafos Profesionales de España - Spanish Association of Professional Photographers)
- La Vanguardia Magazine – Architect Francisco Cifuentes, 2007
- Collaboration - in Spain architects.Housing 4, Manuel Padura Publishing Company – Architect Marià Castelló, 2007
- Collaboration - Loft Publications - Köneman Publishers – Architect Juan de los Rios, 2007
- Collaboration - Loft Publications - Evergreen Publishing – Architect Juan de los Rios, 2007.
- La vanguardia Magazine – Architect Marià Castelló, 2007
- AV Architecture – Architect Marià Castelló, 2007
- Collaboration - Loft Publications - Monsa Publications "Complejos residenciales privados" – Architect Víctor Rahola, 2007
- Collaboration - Loft Publications - "Restored Rural Houses" – Architect, Victor Beltrán, 2007.
- Collaboration - Loft publications - Gribaudo Publishing - "Architecture Water", Architect Javier Planas, 2006.
- Collaboration - Loft publications - Teneues Publishing Group- "Luxury Houses" – Architect Juan de los Rios, 2006.
- Collaboration - Looc Baleares Guide issue # 5, 2006
- Collaboration in “Devoción a las islas” in Nuestras islas, current event magazine in Ibiza and Formentera, issue #3, 2006.
- Illustrated report for Euro design, issue # 9 in Estilo Magazine. “Casas ibicencas, historia de luces y sombras”. 2006
- Catalogue for the collective exhibition "Isla latente" Mace. Ibiza, 2006.
- Special issue "Casas de luz" in Avui Magazine on architecture. Barcelona, January 2005
- Illustrated report for On Diseño Magazine on the building of the Castle of Ibiza and the ”Jardí de les Eres” (Architects Pallejá-Roig, Lapeña-Torres), Barcelona, 2005.
- Illustrated report for the COAM Magazine (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid - Association of Technical Architects of Madrid). Illustrated report on the Museo Diocesano, the “Jardí de las Eres” and the Castle of Ibiza (Architects Pallejá-Roig and Lapeña-Torres), 2005.
- Illustrated report - “Tradition at the copting edge” for Vision Magazine. Beijing, China. July 2005.
- Collaboration - Ibiza and Formentera Encyclopaedia, 2005
- Photographies for the book published by Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos (Association of Technical Architects/ COAIB) thefor the 4th Edition of the architectural awards .2005
- Collaboration with Enrique Villalonga for the cover of "Eivissa" Magazine, 2005.
- Illustrated report for On Diseño Magazine on the works selected for the FAD Architectural Awards by Elías Torres and J.Antonio Lapeña for “El jardí de les Eres” in Formentera. Barcelona, 2004.
- Photograph for El País newspaper del “Jardí de les Eres” 2004.
- Collaboration – The Ibiza and Formentera Tourist Guide by Diario de Ibiza newspaper, Ibiza, 2004-2005.
- Collaboration in the Special “Baleares” issued by the Colegio Superior de Arquitectos de España (Spanish Association of Technical Architects). 2003.
- Collaboration - Casa Basic Magazine by Marina Alta Publishing, issue #5, 2003.
- Collaboration - photographs on the works of architects Roig-Pallejá, Elías Torres, J. Antonio Lapeña and Josep Lluís Sert for the book UNESCO World Heritage Site, published by the COAIB (Colegio de Arquitectos de Ibiza y Formentera – Association of Technical Architects of Ibiza and Formentera). Ibiza, 2003.